Blueberry Pudding Cake

This time I bring a recipe that my Canadian “grandmother” did when we went to visit her, it is a traditional recipe that she got on the internet, super simple and super tasty. Actually I think that looks much like a clafoutis, but this is called pudding, even for me is in between a cake and a pudding. But the important thing is that the recipe is delicious, especially if you eat hot with a scoop of ice cream, yummy. Just to give you an idea, I did half the recipe and my sister ate it all alone…hehe.

Blueberry Pudding


2 cups blueberry
1 cup sugar
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 pinch of salt
1/3 cup butter, melted
2 eggs, beaten
1 tsp vanilla essence


Preheat oven to 350°.
Place the blueberries in the bottom of a 25cmx25cm glass dish and sprinkle with a little sugar (about 2 tbsp I think it’s good).
In a bowl, mix the cup of sugar, flour, baking powder and salt.
In a measuring cup, place the melted butter, eggs, vanilla and add the milk until you complete a cup. Mix it.
Incorporate the dry ingredients with a spoon and pour the batter over the blueberries.
Bake for about 55 minutes, or until surface is lightly browned.Serve warm with ice cream.

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